How to send password securely via HTTP using Javascript in absence of HTTPS?

Viet picture Viet · Jan 5, 2010 · Viewed 55.1k times · Source

The very basic issue all developers face: Whenever user submits the form, the password is sent via network and it must be protected. The site I develop for doesn't have HTTPS. Neither does the owner want to buy a SSL certificate, nor is he interested in a self-signed one. So I want to protect the password sent via HTTP using Javascript when submitting form.

To eager downvoters: How to send password securely over HTTP? DOES NOT give any sensible solution and I am in another situation.

If I use MD5, one can reverse that password string. What about nonce/HMAC? Any available Javascript library for that? Or do you have any suggestion/hint to tackle? Thanks in advance!


bobince picture bobince · Jan 5, 2010

There is no way to send a password securely that the user can verify without SSL.

Sure, you can write some JavaScript that will make a password secure for over-the-wire transmission through hashing or public-key-encryption. But how can the user be sure that the JavaScript itself has not been tampered with by a man-in-the-middle before it reached them, to send the password to an attacker instead of the site, or even just compromise the security of the algorithm? The only way would be for them to be expert programmers and have them inspect every line of your page and script to ensure it was kosher before typing the password. That is not a realistic scenario.

If you want passwords to be safe from man-in-the-middle attacks, you must buy an SSL cert. There is no other way. Get used to it.

If I use MD5, one can reverse that password string.

No... not trivially at least. Whilst MD5 has attacks against it, it's a hashing algorithm and thus unreversable. You would have to brute-force it.

But again, a man-in-the-middle attacker doesn't need to look at your MD5s. He can simply sabotage the JavaScript you send the user to make the MD5s.