Top "Scrollview" questions

Be sure to use a **platform specific** tag.

Is it possible to have a ViewPager inside of a ScrollView?

I'm trying to use a ViewPager inside of a ScrollView, but the ViewPager does not appear. If I remove the …

android scrollview android-viewpager
React-Native Horizontal Scroll View Pagination: Preview Next Page/Card

I want to to a horizontal ScrollView with pagination enabled with one special requirement: each page (or card) is 90% of …

react-native pagination scrollview carousel horizontalscrollview
iOS ScrollView needs constraint for y position or height

-ViewController --View ---ScrollView (Top,Bottom,Leading,Trailing spaces to superview set to 0) ----ContentView (Top,Bottom,Leading,Trailing spaces to superview …

ios objective-c autolayout storyboard scrollview
Change scrollbar color in Android

Is it possible to change the color or appearance of the scrollbar in a ScrollView or ListView?

android listview scrollview
Android: ScrollView Issue

I have had a number of problems with ScrollViews. Recently I tried to create a LinearView which content exceeds the …

android layout scrollview
Android ListView rows in ScrollView not fully displayed - clipped

I encountered a problem when embedding a ListView inside a ScrollView, or at least that's where I guess the problem …

android listview textview scrollview
Scrollview inside constraint layout does not scroll to the bottom of the parent constraint

I have a form which has around 12/13 fields. I used a Scrollview inside a constraint layout. Below is the hierarchy …

android android-layout constraints scrollview android-constraintlayout
Android - Programmatically specify height and width of new ScrollView

I'm new to Android and I'm working through a tutorial on programmatically creating a layout instead of doing it through …

android scrollview dimensions
ScrollView doesn't scroll to the bottom

I have a certain problem in my Activity. The ScrollView doesn't scroll down to the bottom. I have a screenshot …

android xml scrollview
MonoDroid: Error when calling constructor of custom view - TwoDScrollView

I am building an Android application that uses the custom-built TwoDScrollView found here: This same …

android android-layout scrollview android-custom-view