Top "Scrollbar" questions

A scrollbar is a graphical user interface element relating to a display which is only partially visible.

Apple Style Scrollbar WPF

I'm trying to reduce the size of the scrollbar control and make it more "Apple" like since it would fit …

wpf xaml scrollbar
Vertical scrollbar for frame in Tkinter, Python

My aim is to have a scrollbar that stays at the right-side of a full-screen window, allowing the user to …

python python-3.x tkinter scrollbar tkinter-canvas
Detecting presence of a scroll bar in a DIV using jQuery?

I want to detect the presence of a scroll bar in a DIV using jQuery. I was thinking to use $(…

javascript jquery scrollbar
How to install jQuery plugin?

I've been trying to install the NiceScroll plugin, which makes the scrolling much smoother. The website is…

javascript jquery plugins scrollbar nicescroll
Is there a callback for when RecyclerView has finished showing its items after I've set it with an adapter?

Background I've made a library that shows a fast-scroller for RecyclerView (here, in case anyone wants), and I want to …

android scrollbar android-recyclerview fast-scroller
Div opacity based on scrollbar position

Find an example of how to fade out a div when the scroll bar reaches a certain position here. But …

javascript jquery scrollbar opacity fade
Hide scrollbar in firefox

I want to hide a scroll bar in page but I can scroll like it has a scroll bar. so …

html css firefox scrollbar hide
How can I change the width/thickness of a scrollbar?

Currently this is my scrollbar.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="…

android scrollbar android-scrollview android-scrollbar
How can I show scrollbars on a PictureBox control?

Sometimes, I have a picturebox lets say 100x100. But the image it will display is actually 100x400. I don't want … winforms scrollbar picturebox autoscroll
How to make the horizontal scrollbar visible in DT::datatable

Using R shiny & DT package, I am creating certain tables. The number of columns vary as per user input &…

r datatables scrollbar shiny horizontal-scrolling