A screen reader is a piece of software that allows people who are blind or have significant vision loss to use a computer.
I need to implement a form with placeholder text and no visible labels, but still have it be accessible to …
html forms wai-aria screen-readersI'm creating a website for a reading service for the blind and visually impaired and I'm using JavaScript (with jQuery) …
javascript jquery accessibility screen-readers jaws-screen-readerPhone numbers are typically all digits, ignoring parens, dashes, pluses, etc., so input fields for phone numbers are typically numeric. …
accessibility voiceover screen-readers jaws-screen-reader nvdaI know that screen readers read for some elements/tags not only what they contain, but also the element/tag …
html accessibility screen-readersFor the following markup: <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label" for="email">Email Address</label&…
html google-chrome screen-readers nvda