Top "Scipy" questions

SciPy is an open source library of algorithms and mathematical tools for the Python programming language.

Downsample array in Python

I have basic 2-D numpy arrays and I'd like to "downsample" them to a more coarse resolution. Is there a …

python image-processing numpy scipy gdal
Distance between point and a line (from two points)

I'm using Python+Numpy (can maybe also use Scipy) and have three 2D points (P1, P2, P3); I am trying …

python numpy vector scipy point
Install Scipy with MKL through PIP

I am using PIP to install Scipy with MKL to accelerate the performance. My OS is Ubuntu 64 bit. Using the …

python linux scipy pip intel-mkl
kmeans scatter plot: plot different colors per cluster

I am trying to do a scatter plot of a kmeans output which clusters sentences of the same topic together. …

python numpy matplotlib scipy k-means
interpolate 3D volume with numpy and or scipy

I am extremely frustrated because after several hours I can't seem to be able to do a seemingly easy 3D …

python numpy 3d scipy interpolation
Quadratic Program (QP) Solver that only depends on NumPy/SciPy?

I would like students to solve a quadratic program in an assignment without them having to install extra software like …

python numpy scipy mathematical-optimization
Tutorial for scipy.cluster.hierarchy

I'm trying to understand how to manipulate a hierarchy cluster but the documentation is too ... technical?... and I can't understand …

python scipy hierarchical-clustering
How to force zero interception in linear regression?

I'm a bit of a newby so apologies if this question has already been answered, I've had a look and …

python numpy scipy linear-regression
pydot.InvocationException: GraphViz's executables not found

I try to run this example for decision tree learning, but get the following error message: File "", line 18, …

python scipy graphviz pydot