Use this tag for questions about using computers in science.
For my current project in C++ / Qt I need a library (LGPL is preferred) which can calculate a spectrogram from …
c++ fft scientific-computing spectrum spectrogramIn some scientific environments, you often cannot go without FORTRAN as most of the developers only know that idiom, and …
oop fortran assertions scientific-computing fortran90I have a project written in C# where I need to do various linear algebraic operations on matrices (like LU-factorization). …
.net matrix scientific-computing lapack blasI am working to become a scientific programmer. I have enough background in Math and Stat but rather lacking on …
c++ c fortran scientific-computingHow can I segment cells from an image taken on a microscope, along the lines of what was done here …
python matlab image-processing scipy scientific-computingMatlab, R, and Python are powerful but either costly or slow for some data mining work I'd like to do. …
javascript data-mining scientific-computingI am starting a new scientific-computing project in C++ and since a lot of numerically extensive procedures are included, I …
c++ scientific-computingI have been playing around with writing my own physics engine in Python as an exercise in physics and programming. …
python numpy physics scientific-computing verlet-integrationI am trying to write a simple low pass filter using scipy, but I need help defining the parameters. I …
numpy signal-processing scipy scientific-computing matplotlibIs there a better way to find which X gives me the Y I am looking for in SciPy? I …
python numpy scipy interpolation scientific-computing