I am just wondering if there is the string split function? Something like:
> (string-split "19 2.14 + 4.5 2 4.3 / - *")
'("19" "2.14" "+" "4.5" "2" "4.3" "/" "-" "*")
I haven't found it and created my own. I use Scheme from time to time so I'll be thankful if you fix it and suggest the better solution:
#lang racket
(define expression "19 2.14 + 4.5 2 4.3 / - *")
(define (string-split str)
(define (char->string c)
(make-string 1 c))
(define (string-first-char str)
(string-ref str 0))
(define (string-first str)
(char->string (string-ref str 0)))
(define (string-rest str)
(substring str 1 (string-length str)))
(define (string-split-helper str chunk lst)
[(string=? str "") (reverse (cons chunk lst))]
[(char=? (string-first-char str) #\space) (string-split-helper (string-rest str) "" (cons chunk lst))]
(string-split-helper (string-rest str) (string-append chunk (string-first str)) lst)]
(string-split-helper str "" empty)
(string-split expression)
Oh my! That's a lot of work. If I understand your problem correctly, I would use regexp-split for this:
#lang racket (regexp-split #px" " "bc thtn odnth")
Language: racket; memory limit: 256 MB. '("bc" "thtn" "odnth")