Top "Scheduled-tasks" questions

A scheduled task is a computer task that is scheduled to happen at a certain time and may repeat.

Task scheduler cannot open batch file when set to run whether user is logged on or not

OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise I am unable to get the Task Scheduler to run .bat files while I am …

batch-file scheduled-tasks windows-server-2008-r2
Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask?

I am currently trying to set up a WiFi Scan in my Android application that scans for WiFi access points …

android timer scheduled-tasks
run a script every 4 hours with task scheduler

I have windows 2008 task scheduler I set up a PHP script to run like this C:\php\php.exe -f …

windows scheduled-tasks windows-server-2008-r2
Schedule Python Script - Windows 7

I have a python script which I would like to run at regular intervals. I am running windows 7. What is …

python windows scheduled-tasks
How to change Spring's @Scheduled fixedDelay at runtime

I have a requirement to run a batch job at a fixed interval and have the ability to change the …

java spring scheduled-tasks quartz-scheduler
How to create a scheduled task under SYSTEM user account with SCHTASKS

I am currently trying to get SCHTASKS to create a scheduled task under the SYSTEM account, by using the following …

windows scheduled-tasks windows-task-scheduler
Specifying the running directory for Scheduled Tasks using schtasks.exe

I have an application which gets called by a scheduled task. It moved from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008. On 2003, …

windows windows-server-2008 scheduled-tasks windows-task-scheduler
How to stop a Runnable scheduled for repeated execution after a certain number of executions

Situation I have a Runnable. I have a class that schedules this Runnable for execution using a ScheduledExecutorService with scheduleWithFixedDelay. …

java scheduling scheduled-tasks
How can I raise an event every hour (or specific time interval each hour) in .NET?

I'm working on a little web crawler that will run in the system tray and crawl a web site every …

c# .net scheduled-tasks
Recommended method for loading a URL via a scheduled task on Windows

I have a webpage hosted on a Windows box that I need to assure gets loaded at least once/day. …

.net windows internet-explorer scheduling scheduled-tasks