My code is becoming littered with the following code pattern:
val opt = somethingReturningAnOpt
if (opt.isDefinedAt) {
val actualThingIWant = opt.get
Is there some way to simplify this? (it seems needlessly complex and a code smell). Ideally it would be something like:
if (Some(actualThingIWant) = somethingReturningAnOpt) {
Is anything like that possible?
Maybe something like this:
somethingReturningAnOpt match {
case Some(actualThingIWant) => doSomethingWith(actualThingIWant)
case None =>
or as pst suggests:
somethingReturningAnOpt.foreach { actualThingIWant =>
// or...
for (actualThingIWant <- somethingReturningAnOpt) {