Have somebody use both Buildr and Gradle and can make comparison of this build tools. From first look they are very similar. But what to choose. And also it is good to hear about Scala support and various IDE integration(IDEA, NetBeans, Eclipse).
I have tried using, both and I'd definitely recommend Gradle. While both of them have pretty much the same expressiveness, I found Gradle to be much more stable (since version 1.0), less effort to install, and better documented. Although Buildr is undoubtedly a great effort, at the moment Gradle is much more professionally made.
The only problem I faced with Gradle is lack of native support for reusing ivy.xml (and ivysettings.xml), despite the fact that Gradle actually uses Ivy as its dependency engine. This feature has been promised for sometime in the future soon. Buildr, on the other hand has a ready-to-use plugin for that (it's not very configurable though).
If you need to migrate from Maven, I'd do some investigation on both tools and their support for the features you need. For new projects I'd recommend Gradle.
Neither have good support for Eclipse, but Gradle have a work-in-progress Eclipse plugin that works very much like the Ant plugin. Also, Gradle's generation of Eclipse settings files is highly customizable, so that's another way to integrate it with Eclipse.