For reading files in Scala, there is
Is there an equivalent and concise way to write a string to file?
Most languages support something like that. My favorite is Groovy:
def f = new File("file.txt")
// Read
def s = f.text
// Write
f.text = "file contents"
I'd like to use the code for programs ranging from a single line to a short page of code. Having to use your own library doesn't make sense here. I expect a modern language to let me write something to a file conveniently.
There are posts similar to this, but they don't answer my exact question or are focused on older Scala versions.
For example:
It is strange that no one had suggested NIO.2 operations (available since Java 7):
import java.nio.file.{Paths, Files}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
Files.write(Paths.get("file.txt"), "file contents".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
I think this is by far the simplest and easiest and most idiomatic way, and it does not need any dependencies sans Java itself.