I can write the code like this:
str match {
case s if s.startsWith("!!!") => s.stripPrefix("!!!")
case _ =>
But I want to know is there any better solutions. For example:
str match {
case "!!!" + rest => rest
case _ =>
val r = """^!!!(.*)""".r
val r(suffix) = "!!!rest of string"
So suffix
will be populated with rest of string, or a scala.MatchError
gets thrown.
A different variant would be:
val r = """^(!!!){0,1}(.*)""".r
val r(prefix,suffix) = ...
And prefix
will either match the !!! or be null. e.g.
(prefix, suffix) match {
case(null, s) => "No prefix"
case _ => "Prefix"
The above is a little more complex than you might need, but it's worth looking at the power of Scala's regexp integration.