SBT project for java executable jar

Synesso picture Synesso · May 3, 2011 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

What is the best way to set the target package for an SBT project to be an executable jar file?

It would need to bundle scala-library.jar and set the manifest for main-method.


Thomas Lockney picture Thomas Lockney · May 3, 2011

Use the assembly-sbt plugin (originally created by Coda Hale, now maintained by Eugene Yokota):

Once you add this to your project it will build a so-called "fatjar" which is executable via java -jar projectName-assembly.jar. It will autodetect your main method -- if there is more than one in your source, you can explicitly set which one to use by setting mainclass, e.g.:

mainClass in assembly := Some("com.package.ClassNameWithMain")

Note: I edited this answer to be up-to-date with the current release of SBT (0.11+).