I am using Spark 2 and Scala 2.11 in a Zeppelin 0.7 notebook. I have a dataframe that I can print like this:
dfLemma.select("text", "lemma").show(20,false)
and the output looks like:
|text |lemma |
|RT @Dope_Promo: When you and your crew beat your high scores on FUGLY FROG 😍🔥 https://time.com/Sxp3Onz1w8 |[rt, @dope_promo, :, when, you, and, you, crew, beat, you, high, score, on, FUGLY, FROG, https://time.com/sxp3onz1w8] |
|RT @axolROSE: Did yall just call Kermit the frog a lizard? https://time.com/wDAEAEr1Ay |[rt, @axolrose, :, do, yall, just, call, Kermit, the, frog, a, lizard, ?, https://time.com/wdaeaer1ay] |
I am trying to make the output nicer in Zeppelin, by:
val printcols= dfLemma.select("text", "lemma")
println("%table " + printcols)
which gives this output:
printcols: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [text: string, lemma: array<string>]
and a new blank Zeppelin paragraph headed
[text: string, lemma: array]
Is there a way of getting the dataframe to show as a nicely formatted table? TIA!