SparkSQL - Read parquet file directly

Edamame picture Edamame · Dec 21, 2016 · Viewed 75.7k times · Source

I am migrating from Impala to SparkSQL, using the following code to read a table:

my_data ='hdfs://my_hdfs_path/my_db.db/my_table')

How do I invoke SparkSQL above, so it can return something like:

'select col_A, col_B from my_table'


bob picture bob · Dec 21, 2016

After creating a Dataframe from parquet file, you have to register it as a temp table to run sql queries on it.

val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)

val df ="src/main/resources/peopleTwo.parquet")


// after registering as a table you will be able to run sql queries

sqlContext.sql("select * from people").collect.foreach(println)