I was hoping code like follows would wait for both futures, but it does not.
object Fiddle {
val f1 = Future {
throw new Throwable("baaa") // emulating a future that bumped into an exception
val f2 = Future {
Thread.sleep(3000L) // emulating a future that takes a bit longer to complete
val lf = List(f1, f2) // in the general case, this would be a dynamically sized list
val seq = Future.sequence(lf)
seq.onComplete {
_ => lf.foreach(f => println(f.isCompleted))
val a = FuturesSequence
I assumed seq.onComplete
would wait for them all to complete before completing itself, but not so; it results in:
was a bit hard to follow in the source of scala.concurrent.Future, I wonder how I would implement a parallel that waits for all original futures of a (dynamically sized) sequence, or what might be the problem here.
Edit: A related question: https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/12348/how-do-you-prove-youre-from-the-future :)
One common approach to waiting for all results (failed or not) is to "lift" failures into a new representation inside the future, so that all futures complete with some result (although they may complete with a result that represents failure). One natural way to get that is lifting to a Try
Twitter's implementation of futures provides a liftToTry
method that makes this trivial, but you can do something similar with the standard library's implementation:
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
val lifted: List[Future[Try[Int]]] = List(f1, f2).map(
_.map(Success(_)).recover { case t => Failure(t) }
Now Future.sequence(lifted)
will be completed when every future is completed, and will represent successes and failures using Try
And so, a generic solution for waiting on all original futures of a sequence of futures may look as follows, assuming an execution context is of course implicitly available.
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
private def lift[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]]) =
futures.map(_.map { Success(_) }.recover { case t => Failure(t) })
def waitAll[T](futures: Seq[Future[T]]) =
Future.sequence(lift(futures)) // having neutralized exception completions through the lifting, .sequence can now be used
waitAll(SeqOfFutures).map {
// do whatever with the completed futures