How to find out which Play version I'm using?

joslinm picture joslinm · Oct 16, 2014 · Viewed 29.4k times · Source

Kinda silly question, but I used Activator to get started with the play framework, and now need to see what version I'm using. 2.3 came out with support for docker, but when I put

dockerExposedPorts in Docker := Seq(9000, 9443)

in my build.sbt, it complains it doesn't know what dockerExposedPorts is, so I'm thinking I might be running 2.2.


James Davies picture James Davies · Oct 17, 2014

Type playVersion within the activator console.

Alternatively you can look in project/plugins.sbt for the line

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.3.2")

In this example, the play version is 2.3.2