As far as I can tell, Scala has definitions for the Enumeration Value class for Value(Int), Value(String), and Value(Int, String).
Does anyone know of an example for creating a new Value subclass to support a different constructor?
For example, If I want to create an Enumeration with Value(Int, String, String) objects, how would I do it? I would like all of the other benefits of using the Enumeration class.
The Enumeration values are instance of the Val class. This class can be extended and a factory method can be added.
object My extends Enumeration {
val A = Value("name", "x")
val B = Value("other", "y")
class MyVal(name: String, val x : String) extends Val(nextId, name)
protected final def Value(name: String, x : String): MyVal = new MyVal(name, x)
res0: Int = 1
scala> My.B.x
res1: String = y