I have a call that returns a Future. However, I need to make n calls so I will get back n futures. I am wondering how I would get the futures to all resolve before proceeding (without blocking the server)
For example,
while(counter < numCalls){
val future = call(counter)
future.map{ x =>
//do stuff
counter += 1
//Now I want to execute code here after ALL the futures are resolved without
//blocking the server
You can use Future.sequence(futureList)
to convert a List[Future[X]]
to a Future[List[X]]
. And since the latter is just a simple Future
, you can wait for it to finish with the help of the Await.ready
or similar helpers.
So you would have to keep a list of the futures you generate. Something like:
val futures = new ListBuffer[Future[X]]
while(counter < numCalls) {
val future = call(counter)
futures += future
future.map { x =>
//do stuff
counter += 1
val f = Future.sequence(futures.toList)
Await.ready(f, Duration.Inf)
which you could also write as:
val futures = (1 to numCalls).map(counter => {
f = call(counter)
f.map(x => ...)
Await.ready(Future.sequence(futures), Duration.Inf)