Flatten Scala Try

J Pullar picture J Pullar · Mar 19, 2013 · Viewed 13.8k times · Source

Is there a simple way to flatten a collection of try's to give either a success of the try values, or just the failure? For example:

def map(l:List[Int]) = l map {
  case 4 => Failure(new Exception("failed"))
  case i => Success(i)

val l1 = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
val result1 = something(map(l1))

result1: Failure(Exception("failed"))

val l2 = List(1,2,3,5,6)
val result2 = something(map(l2)) 

result2: Try(List(1,2,3,5,6))

And can how would you handle multiple Failures in the collection?


Rex Kerr picture Rex Kerr · Mar 19, 2013

This is pretty close to minimal for fail-first operation:

def something[A](xs: Seq[Try[A]]) =

(to the point where you shouldn't bother creating a method; just use Try). If you want all the failures, a method is reasonable; I'd use an Either:

def something[A](xs: Seq[Try[A]]) =
  getOrElse(Left(xs.collect{ case Failure(t) => t }))