I am having trouble with nesting in Sass. Say I have the following HTML:
<p href="#" class="item">Text</p>
<p href="#" class="item">Text</p>
<a href="#" class="item">Link</a>
When I try to nest my styles in the following I get a compiling error:
.item {
color: black;
a& {
How do I reference a type selector before the parent selector when it is part of the same element?
As Kumar points out, this has been possible since Sass 3.3.0.rc.1 (Maptastic Maple)
The @at-root directive causes one or more rules to be emitted at the root of the document, rather than being nested beneath their parent selectors.
We can combine the @at-root
directive along with interpolation #{}
to arrive at the intended outcome.
.item {
color: black;
@at-root {
a#{&} {
// Can also be written like this.
.item {
color: black;
@at-root a#{&} {
Output CSS
.item {
color: black;
a.item {
color: blue;