Is there a function SAS proc SQL which i can use to extract left part of the is something similar to LEFT function sql server. in SQL I have left(11111111, 4) * 9 = 9999
, I would like to something similar in SAS proc SQL. Any help will be appreciated.
Had an impression you want to repeat the substring instead of multiply, so I'm adding REPEAT
function just for the curiosity.
proc sql;
INPUT(SUBSTR('11111111', 1, 4), 4.) * 9 /* if source is char */
, INPUT(SUBSTR(PUT(11111111, 16. -L), 1, 4), 4.) * 9 /* if source is number */
, REPEAT(SUBSTR(PUT(11111111, 16. -L), 1, 4), 9) /* repeat instead of multiply */