Top "Sanitization" questions

Data sanitization to prevent code injection

How to sanitize HTML code in Java to prevent XSS attacks?

I'm looking for class/util etc. to sanitize HTML code i.e. remove dangerous tags, attributes and values to avoid …

java html sanitization xss

There's like a million Q&A that explain the options like FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW, but what does FILTER_…

php sanitization
How can sanitation that escapes single quotes be defeated by SQL injection in SQL Server?

To start this off, I am well aware that parameterized queries are the best option, but I am asking what …

sql-server security tsql sql-injection sanitization
How I can sanitize my input values in node js?

I validated my Node.js inputs so that they won't be empty, but I want to sanitize them too. Please …

javascript node.js sanitization
Sanitize $_GET parameters to avoid XSS and other attacks

I have a website in php that does include() to embed the content into a template. The page to load …

php sanitization
PHP -Sanitize values of a array

I have a array, which comes from $_POST[] and can have other arrays in it as values, like: array( 'title' =&…

php arrays multidimensional-array sanitization
Best way to go about sanitizing user input in rails

I've read a lot about this and know there are many related questions on here, but I couldn't find a …

ruby-on-rails-4 sanitization
In a bash script, how do I sanitize user input?

I'm looking for the best way to take a simple input: echo -n "Enter a string here: " read -e STRING …

bash shell user-input sanitization
Is there a better way to sanitize input with javascript?

I wanted to write a javascript function to sanitize user input and remove any unwanted and dangerous characters. It must …

javascript regex string xpages sanitization
Convert string into slug with single-hyphen delimiters only

I would like to sanitize a string in to a URL so this is what I basically need: Everything must …

php regex preg-replace slug sanitization