Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix.
How can I pipe the new password to smbpasswd so I can automate my installation process.
automation installation debian sambaI am using the python-smbc library on Ubuntu to access a samba share. I can access the directory structure fine, …
python sambaI created a shared folder using samba in ubuntu to enable windows machines can access it with the following command: $ …
linux samba permission-denied ubuntu-14.04I am trying to migrate an application to Amazon and need client machines to be able to connect in. Realistically …
windows amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 samba fileshareSo I'm trying to write a file from android device to windows shared folder. I'm using latest version of JCIFS …
android samba jcifshave developed an application to run on a target with 2.6.10 kernel. A shared folder on a windows machine is mounted …
caching embedded-linux samba cifsYeah. I've done this. It was stupid. I did not know it's going to take its dependencies with itself, only …
python ubuntu ubuntu-16.04 samba aptI created a shell script to send files on Linux to Windows via sbmclient. smbclient //HOST_WINDOWS/D$ -U USER …
linux windows sambaThe code bases I work with are checked out from Git repositories onto my Linux machine. Since our production code …
linux chmod samba