Top "Salesforce" questions

A Platform-as-a-Service development environment delivered on Salesforce.

How can I stop a managed trigger from executing while running a test class?

Usually, when a trigger runs, we check what kind of a profile the user has, and if it's the kind …

triggers salesforce apex-code dml
Deploying from a development org to a new unrelated org without a package

I've been struggling with the deployment of our application code that has, up to now, been developed in …

Suds ignoring proxy setting

I'm trying to use the salesforce-python-toolkit to make web services calls to the Salesforce API, however I'm having trouble getting …

python salesforce suds
how to fix System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object in apex class using Map<parentId, child>?

Getting the error in line " taskObj.OwnerId = ConMap.get(ben.contact__c).contact__r.OwnerId;" becasue the ownerid field is …

salesforce apex apex-trigger
APEX JSON Deserialize

I have JSON string that has nested objects with dynamic names that vary each time. For an instance: { "Objects": { "dynamicName1": { "…

json salesforce apex-code
Standard User can't add/edit custom setting record in salesforce

I have created a custom settings object with two fields. I have also created a Apex controller , and a Visual …

salesforce apex-code visualforce
Show the column header in 2 lines in <apex:column>

I want to display the apex:column header in 2 lines. I have column with the header as "Distributed Total" I …

salesforce apex-code visualforce
Overriding properties from abstract class in Salesforce Apex

I have an abstract class in apex with several properties that I would like to override in a child class. …

properties salesforce apex-code
lightning:input Date Field validation

I am trying to use Standard Date picker using below component but however I want to display custom error message …

salesforce salesforce-lightning lightning
How to use an if-statement in SalesForce E-Mail Template

I'm trying to add a if-Statement to my E-Mailtemplate (Type: HTML). I used the following code: {!if(Lead.LastName="", "1", "2")} My …

salesforce email-templates