I'm struggling with a query, I want to select all Branches, and 'join' Companies (of type Account) with again the Contacts in there. Until now no luck, what am i doing wrong?
b.Id, b.Location,
(SELECT FirstName, LastName, FROM b.Companies.Contacts
//i've tried combinations of __r and __c
WHERE City == 'New York')
FROM Branche__c b
my WSDL for this part is built up like this:
<complexType name="Branche__c"> .. <element name="Companies__r" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="ens:Account"/> .. </complexType> .. <complexType name="Account"> .. <element name="Contacts" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="tns:QueryResult"/> .. </complexType>
Has a @JCD Told you, this is a Salesforce limitation.
You only can list all Contacts related to Accounts at the same time related to Branches in this way:
SELECT Email, Account.Name,
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountId in (
SELECT Companies__c
FROM Branche__c
But if you want to make join between those contacts and branches you should try something like this:
list[] res = new list[]{};
for (Branche__c br : [SELECT Id, Location ,Companies__c FROM Branche__c])
List[] ContactList = [select name, (select email from contacts) from account where id = :br.Companies__c];