Top "Sails.js" questions


Multiple migration statements in one migration file

I am trying to execute multiple migration statements in a single migration file in order to make changes to multiple …

node.js error-handling migration sails.js sequelize.js
Mocha: assertions within promise not working

So, I'm completely new to mocha, and promises and I was asked to write integration tests, which posts form data …

javascript promise sails.js mocha.js should.js
Sails.js find multiple database entries by id

I'm bit new at node.js/sails.js and was wondering (if possible) how to retrieve multiple database entries by …

javascript node.js mongodb sails.js waterline
Change field name for CreatedAt / UpdateAt Attributes

I am attempting to model an existing MSSQL table in SailsJS. Unsurprisingly the tables in the existing database have a …

node.js sails.js waterline
How to Log in SailsJS

What is the actual syntax to log in SailsJS? Docs don't have anything, but found the following line in the …

sails.js waterline
Unique property fails in Sails.js

The following code represents an Account Model in Sails.js v0.9.4 . module.exports = { attributes: { email: { type: 'email', unique: true, required: …

node.js express sails.js waterline
error: error: password authentication failed for user "electron_release_server_user"

I was messing around with this amazing Sails project here. I managed to get it 100% functional on my Macbook Pro …

node.js postgresql azure sails.js sails-postgresql
Sails.JS - Get the count of the number of objects/rows in the database

In Sails.js, a lot of work is done for you by generating the models and controllers. The controllers allow …

javascript node.js sails.js waterline
Push values into array of mongodb database through (sails js) waterline

node js,sails js,waterline. I need to update(or push) values into the below schema after insert I am …

node.js mongodb sails.js waterline
Sails.js - How to inject a js file to a specific route?

For example, I have a page /locations/map which I need to include Google Map library, and include a .js …

javascript node.js sails.js inject