Skrollr - Very choppy animations in Safari

Peter picture Peter · Oct 9, 2013 · Viewed 10.1k times · Source

I am building a page with skrollr and it works great! I have it working the way it should in Chrome, Firefox, and IE. However, in Safari 6.0.5 on a mac version 10.7.5 it is very choppy in animating the elements when scrolling. Basically, when I scroll down it does not animate the keyframes. Instead, it just skips to a certain keyframe depending on where I have scrolled. I cannot figure out why it would be doing this only in Safari. I'm sorry, but I am not able to post a link to the site due to an NDA. Any help or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.


user2929861 picture user2929861 · Oct 28, 2013

In absolute mode, I noticed the same thing when keyframes were within nested elements. Once I took them out, the choppiness went away. E.g.


<section class="scene two" data-0="transform:translate(0%,100%);" data-100p="transform:translate(0%,0%);">
  <div class="box" data-100p="transform:translate(0%,100%);" data-200p="transform:translate(0%,0%);"></div>


<section class="scene two" data-0="transform:translate(0%,100%);" data-100p="transform:translate(0%,0%);"></section>

<section class="scene three" data-100p="transform:translate(0%,100%);" data-200p="transform:translate(0%,0%);"></section>