Top "Safari-web-inspector" questions

The Web Inspector allows you to view the page source, live DOM hierarchy, script debugging, profiling and more!

Missing "Web Inspector" Settings in simulator

After doing a "Reset All Content And Settings.." on the simulator the setting to enable using the web inspector in …

safari ios-simulator mobile-safari safari-web-inspector
How do we emulate touch events in Safari Responsive Design Mode?

Chromium has this feature Device Mode, and interaction is how it would be on a touch device. I've tried Safari's …

responsive-design safari web-inspector dom-events safari-web-inspector
jQuery.Deferred exception: The string did not match the expected pattern

I've a little headache with this console error, ONLY on Safari (working on MacBook actually). I have this function: function …

safari syntax-error jquery-deferred safari-web-inspector jquery-3
How can you export a har file on Safari?

I have instructions to give to customers for how to send in har files for debugging SSO issues for all …

safari safari-web-inspector
Safari - WebInspector Network Tab - An error occurred trying to load the resource

I am seeing the error in the image below in Safari's Developer Tools (Network Tab) for the XHR/Fetch. The …

javascript safari devtools safari-web-inspector
Equivalent to right-click 'inspect element' in iOS simulator Safari?

When developing a web app using ionic, it is very useful to run up the program in iOS simulator with …

css safari ionic ios-simulator safari-web-inspector
Safari web inspector is only showing Sources, Console and Audit

After upgrading to Xcode 11.3.1, I am having problems using Safari web inspector with the iOS 12.1 simulator. Every time that I …

ios xcode ios-simulator web-inspector safari-web-inspector
Does IOS Safari support Shadow DOM?

My application is able to render the Shadow DOM, but the inspector cannot display the shadow root. Can anyone help …

mobile-safari web-component shadow-dom safari-web-inspector