Top "Rx-java" questions

RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.

RxJava - fetch every item on the list

I have a method that returns an Observable<ArrayList<Long>>, which are ids of some Items. …

java monads reactive-programming rx-java
How to stop and resume Observable.interval emiting ticks

This will emit a tick every 5 seconds. Observable.interval(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, .subscribe(tick -> Log.d(TAG, "…

java rx-java rx-android
RxJava delay for each item of list emitted

I'm struggling to implement something I assumed would be fairly simple in Rx. I have a list of items, and …

java rx-java delay
rxjava: Can I use retry() but with delay?

I am using rxjava in my Android app to handle network requests asynchronously. Now I would like to retry a …

java rx-java
Difference between Java 8 streams and RxJava observables

Are Java 8 streams similar to RxJava observables? Java 8 stream definition: Classes in the new package provide a …

java-8 java-stream rx-java observable
How to ignore error and continue infinite stream?

I would like to know how to ignore exceptions and continue infinite stream (in my case stream of locations)? I'm …

android rx-java rx-android
Observable vs Flowable rxJava2

I have been looking at new rx java 2 and I'm not quite sure I understand the idea of backpressure anymore... …

java android rx-java
Unable to create call adapter for io.reactivex.Observable

I'm going to send a simple get method to my server(it is Rails app) and get the result using …

retrofit rx-java retrofit2 rx-android rx-java2
Observable which does not pass anything in onNext()

I would need an Observable, for example to provide a system clock, which does not need to pass anything in …

java rx-java
What is the purpose of doOnNext(...) in RxJava

When should we use doOnNext() from Observable instead of just onNext()?

java rx-java