I just started using Sequel in a really small Sinatra app. Since I've got only one DB table, I don't need to use models.
I want to update a record if it exists or insert a new record if it does not. I came up with the following solution:
rec = $nums.where(:number => n, :type => t)
if $nums.select(1).where(rec.exists)
rec.update(:counter => :counter + 1)
$nums.insert(:number => n, :counter => 1, :type => t)
Where $nums
is DB[:numbers]
I believe that this way isn't the most elegant implementation of "update or insert" behavior.
How should it be done?
You should probably not check before updating/inserting; because:
What you should do instead is to test the return value of update:
rec = $nums.where(:number => n, :type => t)
if 1 != rec.update(:counter => :counter + 1)
$nums.insert(:number => n, :counter => 1, :type => t)