I'm attempting to unzip a file with several files that may or may not already exist in the target directory. It seems the default behavior is to throw an exception if the file already exists.
How do I unzip to a directory and simply overwrite existing files?
Here's my code:
Zip::ZipFile.open(source) do |zipfile|
dir = zipfile.dir
dir.entries('.').each do |entry|
zipfile.extract(entry, "#{target}/#{entry}")
rescue Exception => e
log_error("Error unzipping file: #{local_zip} #{e.to_s}")
Just to save others the trouble:
The extract command in answer 2 is incorrect:
The third (proc) parameter is specified wtih an ampersand, meaning ruby expects it to be in {}-Brackets after the method call like this:
zipfile.extract(entry, "#{target}/#{entry}"){ true }
or (if you need more complex logic)
zipfile.extract(entry, "#{target}/#{entry}") {|entry, path| some_logic(entry, path) }
If you use the example given in Post #2 you'll get a "invalid arguments (3 for 2)" error...