I am making a high-load web statistics system through embedding <img>
tag to site. The thing I want to do is:
I am working with Ruby and I'm going to make a pure-Rack app to get the headers and put them into a queue for further calculations.
The problem I can't solve is, how can I configure sphinx to give headers to the Rack app, and return a static image as the reply without waiting a for response from the Rack application?
Also, Rack is not required if there is more common Ruby-solution.
A simple option is to terminate the client connection ASAP while proceeding with the backend process.
server {
location /test {
# map 402 error to backend named location
error_page 402 = @backend;
# pass request to backend
return 402;
location @backend {
# close client connection after 1 second
# Not bothering with sending gif
send_timeout 1;
# Pass the request to the backend.
The option above, while simple, may result in the client receiving an error message when the connection is dropped. The ngx.say directive will ensure that a "200 OK" header is sent and as it is an async call, will not hold things up. This needs the ngx_lua module.
server {
location /test {
content_by_lua '
-- send a dot to the user and transfer request to backend
-- ngx.say is an async call so processing continues after without waiting
res = ngx.location.capture("/backend")
location /backend {
# named locations not allowed for ngx.location.capture
# needs "internal" if not to be public
# Pass the request to the backend.
A more succinct Lua based option:
server {
location /test {
rewrite_by_lua '
-- send a dot to the user
-- exit rewrite_by_lua and continue the normal event loop
Definitely an interesting challenge.