I am new to Cucumber testing.
I have created two features files:
and have my step definitions in a step_definitions folder:
It seems that Cucumber looks in all the .rb files for the step information.
Is there anyway of restricting the feature to look at a specific step definition file?
The reason as to why I want to do this, is because I am getting Ambiguous match errors, even when I use the --guess flag.
The reason as to why I want to do this is for the following reasons. I am testing a CMS, and want to test each of the different content types (events & partners) in separate features.
Feature: Add partner
As an administrator I can add a new partner
Scenario: Create partner
Given I am logged in
When I create a partner
Then I should see content
Feature: Add event
As an administrator I can add a new event
Scenario: Create event
Given I am logged in
When I create an event
Then I should see content
Just focusing on the 'then I should see content' which is in both scenarios, the error occurs because in the .rb files I need to include:
Then /^I should see content$/ do
BROWSER.html.should include('SOME PARTNER CONTENT')
Then /^I should see content$/ do
BROWSER.html.should include('SOME EVENT CONTENT')
which means there is an Ambiguous match of "I should see content".
I understand there are different ways of structuring this, i.e. I could create a content feature, and use scenario outlines:
Feature: Add content
As an administrator I can add a new content
Scenario Outline: Create content
Given I am logged in
When I create an <content type>
Then I should see <example content>
|event |March Event |
|partner |Joe Blogs |
But I don't want to do this because I want to encapsulate each content type in their own test feature.
So essentially I need to work out how to run specific step files according to the feature I am testing.
Cucumber always loads all files and I don't think that there is a way to override this behavior. Regarding your problem with ambiguous steps - the solution is easy - add parameters to your steps
Then /^(?:|I )should see "([^"]*)"$/ do |text|
page.should have_content(text)
And in scenarios just call it like this
Then I should see "PARTNER CONTENT"