I make graphs that have huge width ratio: they are 51706 x 503 pixels in size. How can I tell GraphViz to optimize width ?
Note 1: the graph is in fact a tree with each node having a lot of children. Here is a sample.
Note 2: I think I use dot :)
Note 3: Here is the Ruby code
def graph_node(n, parent=nil, depth=0)
#print n, " "
gn = @g.add_node(n.object_id.to_s, :label=>n.to_graphviz, :shape=>"Mrecord")
if parent
e = @g.add_edge(parent, gn)
if n == @current_pos_node
gn[:color] = "brown3"
gn[:style] = "filled"
elsif @s.tree.pv(@current_pos_node).include?(n)
gn[:color] = "cadetblue"
gn[:style] = "filled"
elsif @s.tree.pv(@root).include?(n)
gn[:color] = "yellow"
gn[:style] = "filled"
return if !n.children # or depth == 2
i = 0
for c in n.children
graph_node(c, gn, depth+1)
i += 1
#break if i > 2
def graph(name="tree", root_node=@current_pos_node)
@g = GraphViz::new("G")
#@g['sep'] = "10,100"
#@g["overlap"] = "compress"
#@g["rankdir"] = "BT"
#@g["ratio"] = "0.9"
@g["size"] = "350,500"
@g.output(:svg => "#{name}.svg")
In case the graph consists of several trees which are not connected, you could split them up (as mentioned in Graphviz: break flat but sparsely connected graph into multiple rows?)
Depending on your particular graph, you may obtain a smaller graph when using
(You'll have to specify size
For detailed optimizations on a specific graph, you may add rank
attributes and distribute the nodes manually on different ranks.
There is a graphviz tool called unflatten which seems to exist exactly for this purpose :
unflatten is a preprocessor to dot that is used to improve the aspect ratio of graphs having many leaves or disconnected nodes. The usual layout for such a graph is generally very wide or tall. unflatten inserts invisible edges or adjusts the minlen on edges to improve layout compaction.
Never had the need to use it, but I think it's worth a try.