I have the following method to compute an average:
def compute_average(a,b,c,d,e)
total = [a,b,c,d,e].sum.to_f
average = [a, 2*b, 3*c, 4*d, 5*e].sum / total
It's nothing special, but it has a problem that I expect all average equations have: it might divide by zero if inputs are all zero.
So, I thought of doing this:
def compute_average(a,b,c,d,e)
total = [a,b,c,d,e].sum.to_f
if total==0
average = 0.00
average = [a, 2*b, 3*c, 4*d, 5*e].sum / total
... and that works, but it feels kludgy to me. Is there a more elegant, "Ruby Way" to avoid this division by zero problem?
What I'm wishing I had was an "unless then" operator, like...
average = numerator / denominator unless denominator == 0 then 0
Any suggestions?
You can use nonzero?
, as in:
def compute_average(a,b,c,d,e)
total = [a,b,c,d,e].sum.to_f
average = [a, 2*b, 3*c, 4*d, 5*e].sum / (total.nonzero? || 1)
More people would be more familiar with using the ternary operator (total == 0 ? 1 : total)
, so that's another possibility.