How do I update Ruby Gems from behind a Proxy (ISA-NTLM)

Brett Veenstra picture Brett Veenstra · Aug 7, 2008 · Viewed 247.7k times · Source

The firewall I'm behind is running Microsoft ISA server in NTLM-only mode. Hash anyone have success getting their Ruby gems to install/update via Ruby SSPI gem or other method?

... or am I just being lazy?

Note: rubysspi-1.2.4 does not work.

This also works for "igem", part of the IronRuby project


Peter Moresi picture Peter Moresi · Nov 15, 2010

For the Windows OS, I used Fiddler to work around the issue.

  1. Install/Run Fiddler from
  2. Run gem:

    $ gem install --http-proxy http://localhost:8888 $gem_name