How should I convert a post title to a slug in Ruby?
The title can have any characters, but I only want the slug to allow [a-z0-9-_]
(Should it allow any other characters?).
So basically:
Is this Rails? (works in Sinatra)
That's it. For even more sophisticated slugging, see ActsAsUrl. It can do the following:
"rock & roll".to_url => "rock-and-roll"
"$12 worth of Ruby power".to_url => "12-dollars-worth-of-ruby-power"
"10% off if you act now".to_url => "10-percent-off-if-you-act-now"
"kick it en Français".to_url => "kick-it-en-francais"
"rock it Español style".to_url => "rock-it-espanol-style"
"tell your readers 你好".to_url => "tell-your-readers-ni-hao"