I need to update my ruby version from 2.0.0 to the latest version, I can not use some gems because my version is not updated. I had used Homebrew to install Ruby some time ago, How can i update my Ruby version?
Open your terminal and run
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvm/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer | bash -s stable
When this is complete, you need to restart your terminal for the rvm
command to work.
Now, run rvm list known
This shows the list of versions of the ruby.
Now, run rvm install ruby@latest
to get the latest ruby version.
If you type ruby -v
in the terminal, you should see ruby X.X.X
If it still shows you ruby 2.0.
, run rvm use ruby-X.X.X --default
Prerequisites for windows 10:
command available otherwise it will complain that "bash: make: command not found". You can install it by running mingw-get install msys-make