I'm looking for an easy way to get width and height dimensions for image files in Ruby without having to use ImageMagick or ImageScience (running Snow Leapard).
As of June 2012, FastImage which "finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed" is a good option. It works with local images and those on remote servers.
An IRB example from the readme:
require 'fastimage'
=> [266, 56] # width, height
Standard array assignment in a script:
require 'fastimage'
size_array = FastImage.size("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif")
puts "Width: #{size_array[0]}"
puts "Height: #{size_array[1]}"
Or, using multiple assignment in a script:
require 'fastimage'
width, height = FastImage.size("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif")
puts "Width: #{width}"
puts "Height: #{height}"