I am running a sinatra app through RACK.
To which file does the activity get logged ? Also how can I set the log file path ?
It depends. Many developers define their app log file to app/servername.log or just to the current path where the Rack app is loaded.
Yes you can change it's path.
Usually you get a config.ru file with something like:
log = File.new("sinatra.log", "a+")
# optionally to sync logs while the server is running
$stderr.sync = true
$stdout.sync = true
configure do
LOGGER = Logger.new("sinatra.log")
enable :logging, :dump_errors
set :raise_errors, true
in this case the log file is located under appdir/sinatra.log. But remember this code can be anywhere in your Rack app, so please seek for "log" in your application directory.
$ cd projectname
$ grep -ri 'log' *
have fun and post here your config.ru and/or the mainprojectfile.rb.