Sinatra + Bundler?

khelll picture khelll · Nov 10, 2009 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

I'm wondering how one can use Bundler with Sinatra. The idea is to use the gems that Bundler downloads inside the .gems folder.


Ryan McGeary picture Ryan McGeary · Nov 11, 2009

Inside your Sinatra app, you just have to require the bundler setup:

require "bundler/setup"
require "sinatra"

get "/" do
  "Hello world!"

Alternatively, if you don't want to add the additional require "bundler/setup" at the top of your app, you can instead invoke sinatra via bundle exec (e.g. bundle exec ruby myapp.rb)

This assumes that you have a Gemfile in the root of your application. It might look like this:

source ""

gem "sinatra"

This also assumes that you've already installed bundler (gem install bundler) and that you ran bundle install to install all the gem dependencies.