Trying to write up cucumber feature steps for REST API test.
I am not sure which approach is better:
Given I log in with username and password
When I add one "tv" into my cart
And I check my cart
Then I should see the item "tv" is in my cart
Given the client authenticate with username and password
When the client send POST to "/cart/add" with body "{item: body}"
Then the response code should be "200"
And the response body should expect "{success: true}"
When the client send GET to "/cart"
Then the response code should be "200"
And the response body should expect "{"items": ["tv"]}"
Is there any convention to follow when people trying to write cucumber steps for REST API?
I just stumbled on this helpful article:
To summarize...
Scenario: List fruit
Given the system knows about the following fruit:
| name | color |
| banana | yellow |
| strawberry | red |
When the client requests a list of fruit
Then the response is a list containing 2 fruits
And one fruit has the following attributes:
| attribute | type | value |
| name | String | banana |
| color | String | yellow |
And one fruit has the following attributes:
| attribute | type | value |
| name | String | strawberry |
| color | String | red |
Validating a result against JSON is tricky business because if the result is an array, the elements may not be the same order as how you are validating in the test.