Web page scraping gems/tools available in Ruby

jhsu802701 picture jhsu802701 · Feb 23, 2013 · Viewed 9.2k times · Source

I'm trying to scrape web pages in a Ruby script that I'm working on. The purpose of the project is to show which ETFs and stock mutual funds are most compatible with the value investing philosophy.

Some examples of pages I'd like to scrape are:


What web scraping tools do you recommend for Ruby, and why? Keep in mind that there are thousands of stock funds out there, so any tool I use has to be reasonably quick.

I am new to Ruby, but I have experience using lxml to scrape web pages in Python (https://github.com/jhsu802701/dopplervalueinvesting/blob/master/screen.py). Once the pages on 5000+ stocks are downloaded, lxml can scrape them all in just a few minutes. (I remember trying BeautifulSoup but rejecting it because it was too slow.)


Rahul Tapali picture Rahul Tapali · Feb 23, 2013

There are so many scraping gems available in Ruby like Hpricot, Nokogiri and so many. I recommend Nokogiri to scrape static web pages. If you are scraping dynamic web pages (means which involves button click, submit form etc..). I recommend Mechanize which internally uses Nokogiri.