puts "hi"
puts "bye"
I want to store the STDOUT of the code so far (in this case hi \nbye into a variable say 'result' and print it )
puts result
The reason I am doing this is I have integrate an R code into my Ruby code, output of which is given to the STDOUT as the R code runs , but the ouput cannot be accessed inside the code to do some evaluations. Sorry if this is confusing. So the "puts result" line should give me hi and bye.
The following method is a handy general purpose tool to capture stdout and return it as a string. (I use this frequently in unit tests where I want to verify something printed to stdout.) Note especially the use of the ensure
clause to restore $stdout (and avoid astonishment):
def with_captured_stdout
original_stdout = $stdout # capture previous value of $stdout
$stdout = StringIO.new # assign a string buffer to $stdout
yield # perform the body of the user code
$stdout.string # return the contents of the string buffer
$stdout = original_stdout # restore $stdout to its previous value
So, for example:
>> str = with_captured_stdout { puts "hi"; puts "bye"}
=> "hi\nbye\n"
>> print str
=> nil