Stubbing when an object's constructor builds another object

lambshaanxy picture lambshaanxy · Jul 6, 2012 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

So I've got some code that, grossly simplified, looks like this:

class B
  def initialize opts
    @opts = opts

class A
  def initialize opts
    # defaults etc applied to opts
    @b = opts

In other words, when I initialize A with options, it creates a B and passes a modified set of options to it.

I would like to test that gets the correct arguments. Right now, I'm doing it like this, using RSpec/RR:

@b =
# stub methods on @b here
stub(B).new { |options|
  options[:foo].should == 'whatever'
}{:foo => 'whatever'})

But this has two problems.

First, I can't instantiate an actual copy of B with the actual options. If I call inside the block, it calls the stubbed version and loops until the stack pops. I can set @b = before the stubbing, but I don't know the options that will be passed in yet, defeating the point of the test.

(And before somebody calls me out on it: yes, in strict unit test dogma, a test of A should stub out any methods in B, and needing to stub out a lot means your code is bad in the first place.)

Second, it just feels wrong to put the should in the setup of the test, instead of in a separate it ... do ... end block afterwards. But since I can't create an actual B (see above), I can't really interrogate its post-construction state either.

Any ideas?


David Moles picture David Moles · Mar 18, 2015

The should syntax from Marc-André Lafortune's answer appears to be deprecated in RSpec 3. The following expect syntax seems to work, however:

expect(B).to receive(:new).with(foo: 'whatever')

Note that if you want to return a specific instance (e.g. a test double), you can use and_return:

b = instance_double(B)
expect(B).to receive(:new).with(foo: 'whatever').and_return(b)