I'd like to store and update blogger labels to datastore in GAE. When I run that code, I get this error:
javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Application Error
/base/data/home/apps/yet-another-problem/1.334886515480009498/WEB-INF/gems/gems/sinatra-0.9.2/lib/sinatra/base.rb:45:in `each': undefined method `bytesize' for #<Hash:0x86684c> (NoMethodError)
class Labels
class LabelData
include Bumble
ds :blog_element_labels
def update
response = URLFetch.get($label_url)
result = response.to_s
result_headless = result.gsub("listLabels(",'')
pure_result = result_headless.gsub(");",'')
json_to_yaml = YAML::load(pure_result)['entry']['category']
json_to_yaml.each do |label|
@label = LabelData.find(:blog_element_labels => label['term'])
@label = LabelData.create(:blog_element_labels => label['term']) if @label.nil?
and run by cron job does '/job'
get '/job' do
@labels = Labels.new
Where is the problem? Please teach me.
But when run cron job first time, label data was stored, even occur that error. Could not update data.
I think your having the same problem that's been discussed here: error happens when I try "all" method in datamapper
In your case, Sinatra is trying to take the return value of @lavels.update and turn that into a string to display to the user.
Try this to see if it fixes the problem:
get '/job' do
@labels = Labels.new
"Labels Updated"
Your return value is now a string, so you shouldn't get the error.