I'm trying to find all documents whose text contains the word test. The below works fine:
@tweets = Tweet.any_of({ :text => /.*test.*/ })
However, I want to be able to search for a user supplied string. I thought the below would work but it doesn't:
searchterm = (params[:searchlogparams][:searchterm])
@tweets = Tweet.any_of({ :text => "/.*"+searchterm+".*/" })
I've tried everything I could think of, anyone know what I could do to make this work.
Thanks in advance.
searchterm = (params[:searchlogparams][:searchterm])
@tweets = Tweet.any_of({ :text => Regexp.new ("/.*"+searchterm+".*/") })
searchterm = (params[:searchlogparams][:searchterm])
@tweets = Tweet.any_of({ :text => /.*#{searchterm}.*/ })