A JSON text must at least contain two octets

Cory picture Cory · Dec 5, 2011 · Viewed 73k times · Source

I received this error, and I couldn't find any reasonable answer to this question, so I thought I'd write a summary of the problem.

If you run this snippet in irb:

JSON.parse( nil )

You'll see the following error:

TypeError: can't convert nil into String

I was kind of expecting the function to return nil, and not a TypeError. If you convert all input using to_s, then you'll see the octet error:

JSON::ParserError: A JSON text must at least contain two octets!

That's just fine and well. If you don't know what an octet is, read this post for a summary and solution: What is a JSON octet and why are two required?


The variable you're passing in is an empty string. Don't attempt to use an empty string in the JSON.parse method.


So, now I know the cause of the error, what pattern should I use to handle this? I'm a bit loathe to monkey patch the JSON library to allow nil values. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Alex Wayne picture Alex Wayne · Dec 5, 2011
parsed = json && json.length >= 2 ? JSON.parse(json) : nil

But really the library should be able to handle this case and return nil. Web browsers with built-in JSON support seem to work just like you expect after all.

Or to do it with a only slightly intrusive mini patch:

module JSON
  def self.parse_nil(json)
    JSON.parse(json) if json && json.length >= 2

parsed = JSON.parse_nil(json)