I want to test a file upload in rails, but am not sure how to do this.
Here is the controller code:
def uploadLicense
#Create the license object
@license = License.create(params[:license])
#Get Session ID
sessid = session[:session_id]
puts "\n\nSession_id:\n#{sessid}\n"
#Generate a random string
chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
newpass = ""
1.upto(5) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
#Get the original file name
name = upload['datafile'].original_filename
@license.format = File.extname(name)
#calculate license ID and location
@license.location = './public/licenses/' + sessid + newpass + name
#Save the license file
#Fileupload.save(params[:upload], @license.location)
File.open(@license.location, "wb") { |f| f.write(upload['datafile'].read) }
#Set license ID
@license.license_id = sessid + newpass
#Save the license
redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @license.id
I have tried this spec, but it doesnt work:
it "can upload a license and download a license" do
file = File.new(Rails.root + 'app/controllers/lic.xml')
license = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
license[:datafile] = file
info = {:id => 4}
post :uploadLicense, {:license => info, :upload => license}
How can I simulate the file upload, using rspec?
You can use fixture_file_upload method to test file uploading: Put your test file in "{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures/files" directory
before :each do
@file = fixture_file_upload('files/test_lic.xml', 'text/xml')
it "can upload a license" do
post :uploadLicense, :upload => @file
response.should be_success
In case you were expecting the file in the form of params['upload']['datafile']
it "can upload a license" do
file = Hash.new
file['datafile'] = @file
post :uploadLicense, :upload => file
response.should be_success